Corporate Information
Registered office

Third Floor, Century Yard, Cricket Square, P.O. Box 902, Grand Cayman, KY1-1103, Cayman Islands

Principal place of business in Hong Kong

Unit 3, 12/F, Tower 2, South Seas Centre, 75 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Company secretaries

Mr. Kwan Chi Wai Samuel

List of directors and their role and function

List of directors and their role and function   Read online Download


Ernst & Young

Hong Kong share registrar

Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

Principal bankers
Agricultural Bank of China Limited Bank of China Limited Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. China Construction Bank CorporationChina Development BankDBS Bank Ltd. Foshan Shunde Rural Commercial Bank Company Limited Hang Seng Bank Limited Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
The Bank of East Asia, LimitedThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Procedures for shareholder(s) of the Company proposing a person for election as a director

Procedures for shareholder(s) of the Company proposing a person for election as a director 

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Board Diversity Policy and Director Nomination Policy

Board Diversity Policy 

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Director Nomination Policy

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Shareholder Communication Policy

Shareholder Communication Policy

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Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

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Anti-fraud Management System and Whistleblowing Policy

Anti-fraud Management System and Whistleblowing Policy

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Human Rights Statement

Human Rights Statement

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Supplier Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Commitment Statement

Supplier Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Commitment Statement

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Carbon Management Policy

Carbon Management Policy

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Corporate Governance
Audit committee
Remuneration committee
Nomination committee
Audit committee
Our Company established an audit committee on 14 May 2010 with written terms of reference in compliance with the Listing Rules. The primary duties of the audit committee are to review and supervise the financial reporting process and internal control systems of our Group. The audit committee comprises Dr. Tao Zhigang, Mr. Cheng Dickson, Ms. Lu Jiandong and Ms. Lee Vanessa. Dr. Tao Zhigang is the chairman of the audit committee.
Remuneration committee
Our Company established a remuneration committee on 14 May 2010 with written terms of reference in compliance with the code provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance Practices set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. The functions of this committee include the formulation and the recommendation to the Board on our Company's policy and structures for all remuneration of our Directors and senior management of our Company, the establishment of a formal and transparent procedure for developing policy on remuneration, the determination of specific remuneration packages of all executive Directors and senior management in the manner specified in the terms of reference, the recommendation to the Board of the remuneration of non-executive Directors, review and approval of performance-based remuneration, and review and recommendation to our Shareholders as to the fairness and reasonableness of the terms of any Director's service agreement which is subject to the prior approval of our Shareholders in general meeting pursuant to the Listing Rules. The remuneration committee comprises Dr. Tao Zhigang, Mr. Wong Luen Hei, Mr. Zuo Manlun, Ms. Lu Jiandong and Dr. Hong Ruijiang. Dr. Tao Zhigang is the chairman of the remuneration committee.
Nomination committee
Our Company established a nomination committee on 14 May 2010. The primary functions of the nomination committee are to make recommendations to the Board regarding candidates to fill vacancies on the Board. The nomination committee comprises Mr. Wong Luen Hei, Mr. Zuo Manlun, Dr. Tao Zhigang, Ms. Lu Jiandong, Dr. Hong Ruijiang and Ms. Lee Vanessa. Ms. Lu Jiandong is the chairlady of the nomination committee.