The gas system in your building is crucial to your safety and the safety of other occupants. Having a high-quality gas piping system ensures both you and your property are safe. Before having a contractor, do your Gas pipe installation in house, make sure that they are using the right type of gas pipes.
What are Gas Pipes?
Gas pipes refer to pipes that transport water heated in the boiler through your home to the radiators. The gas pipeline is used to transport the gas, which is needed for daily cooking and bathing.
What types of Pipes are used for natural gas pipeline systems?
Natural gas is an excellent way to fuel your boiler and heat your home. Manufacturers usually make natural gas pipes with black steel, but they also use copper, HDPE, Aluminium-plastic composite, corrugated stainless steel, and even brass. Make sure that the pipes you choose have natural gas pipe material specification before use.

1. PE Gas Pipe
PE gas pipe is made from ethylene and is a flexible plastic made from thermoplastic HDPE, used to transport water and gas. They often replace damaged steel and concrete mains. Since they are impermeable and have a strong molecular bond, they are excellent for transporting water and gas at high pressure.
Corrosion Resistant
Corrosion damages and weakens pipes leading to leaks and other accidents. PE pipes are corrosion resistant and can be installed underground without risk of damage to the environment due to leaks or crumbling of the material due to rusting.
Gas leaks, underground or in your house, put you and the people in your community at risk. The heat fusion process used to join these pipes ensures that they will not leak.
2. Aluminium-plastic Composite Pipe
Aluminum plastic composite pipes are a combination of aluminum and polyethylene. Using melt adhesive, manufacturers bond the aluminum on the inside and outside with the polymer. This type of piping is perfect for transporting both liquids and gases.
Inert to Acids and chemicals
Several chemicals can damage your pipe. Aluminum-plastic composite pipes do not react with synthetic chemicals or acids and break down.
Corrosion shortens the lifespan of pipes and results in costly repairs. It can also lead to leaks, which mean waste and damage to the environment. Aluminum composite pipes are corrosion resistant and are therefore durable.
Withstand High Temperatures
Aluminium-plastic composite pipes can handle low and high temperatures. That means that they are less likely to crack during cold weather.
3. Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Pipes
Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Pipes are made by dipping steel into a vat of molten zinc. This method makes the steel corrosion resistant and increases its longevity. It is crucial to note that hot-dip galvanized steel has higher corrosion resistance than cold galvanized steel.
Galvanized steel is durable because the zinc coating covers the entire pipe and gives it unmatched abrasion resistance. It also enhances its impact resistance and flexibility.
Galvanized steel pipes can be used for gas, water, and steam in the home. The pipes are readily available at your local hardware store because they are easy to store as they do not degrade outdoors.
Signs of a Gas Leak
Rotten Egg Smell
Natural gas is colorless but has a harmless additive to make it easy for users to identify. If you notice a terrible rotten egg smell in your home, your gas pipes might be leaking. It is crucial to have an expert inspect your pipes to find the problem immediately you notice it.
Dying Grass or Plants
Outdoors, it may be harder to notice a gas leak because it dissipates quickly in the wind. However, if you find that grass is dying around your pipes, they might be leaking. Natural gas is not good for plants, and when they come into contact with it, they wilt and die.
Safety Tips for Gas Pipe Installation
Here are some safety tips for gas pipe installation in house. Please be cautious that the gas pipe must be operated by professionals.
Shut off all mains
Make sure that you turn off all gas mains before you begin the work. If there is gas flowing, you could easily hurt yourself or other people on the project.
Have the right safety equipment
If you are working on an underground pipe, make sure that your harness is working, and you can quickly get out when you need to. Have gloves, a hard hat, boots, and reflective clothing on during gas pipe installation. Remember, if you notice the smell of gas while working in an enclosed place, get out immediately.
Mark Excavations
If you are working underground, installing gas pipes ensure that you barricade the excavations. That is to ensure other people do not accidentally fall in.
Use the Right Equipment
Have the correct tools and safety equipment for the job. Using incorrect tools could cause an accident or damage the pipes that you are installing.
Appropriate signage and Warnings
Ensure that you have signs to ensure other workers and people living in the building stay away from excavations and do not smoke on the worksite. In addition, place a sign on the mains to ensure that your gas
Why You Should Choose LESSO for Gas Transmission
At LESSO we are a manufacturing company with factories in China, the United States of America, and Canada. We have a global network that ensures that we supply the products you need quickly and efficiently. The company does its research and development, has a comprehensive service system and efficient logistics systems.

Using the right pipes to transmit gas, water, and steam are crucial for your safety and comfort. It is essential to choose products made by a reliable company that can deliver in a timely fashion to any part of the world. LESSO makes high-quality aluminum-plastic, hot-dip galvanized steel pipes along with fittings to ensure that you have stress-free gas, water, and steam transmission.